Last night I saw something from a friend of mine about making a chicken mummy. Yeah, it's out there, google it. Anyway... I just knew that Jango would LOVE it BUT I'm not crazy about doing all the steps involved, and then it would just be a mummified chicken and not look anything like a "real" mummy... So... I told Jango to go this morning and get one of his "men" (i.e. action figures), and we took some gauze and a few beads for "jewelry" and made a little mummy man... he still LOVED it, and I didn't have to deal with a dead chicken or any other stinky, yucky things like that... I think we'll make a real mummy chicken when we're both a bit older!
After the mummy was all wrapped up, he "buried" it under some toilet paper! Then he said that some "men" had come up and opened the coffin, and because they had done that, the mummy had cursed them, and now they were all dead... so he staged the next photo!

You can just kind of make out the mummies jewels placed inside his "wrappings"...
Sound like the Mummy retures ... You think???