Saturday, October 29, 2011

School Days...

We homeschool at our house! :)  This is the first year that I've had both boys officially doing "school".  We have our mornings pretty scheduled... we start school at 8am exactly (I have an alarm set).  Then we work pretty hard until lunch, have a nice little break and finish up just after lunch... then they head outside to play in the fort. We use Sonlight curriculum for most of our school, and we love, love, love it... So many books to read.

Here is where we are right now... 
Reading on his own!! WOW!  He reads two or three little books every day (about 8 pages each).  He is flying through the Core K (now called Core A) reading program, and he's going to start on Core 1 (Core B) readers very soon!  He loves his kindergarten math program also, from BJU.  He's "officially" doing Sonlight's Core P4/5, and he loves all of those books, especially Things People Do...  That's the book he picks to do first, and the one he asks to read the most...

We are out of town tonight, so this is short today... stay tuned for information about our current adventure and where we are now... In the meantime, check out Wesley's favorite book!!

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