Monday, December 14, 2015

Our Week: 6 Dec - 12 Dec

Sunday:  We spent a relaxing Sunday after church putting up the finishing touches on our decorations around the house.  We went to bed early to prepare for our first day of school tomorrow.  Can't wait to get going.

Monday: Today was the first day of school for the boys' next grade.  First day of 4th grade and first day of 6th grade.  It was also craft day at the chapel, and then I worked on some scrapbook pages.  I did Wesley's 9 yr old page and worked on some pages from 2013.  I'm really far behind!

Tuesday: Bunco Time!!  It is always so much fun!  Today was just focused on school and I worked on some of my bible study project.  I call is Project 3:17 for now, and I'm slowly working on it.  Today I was in Exodus.... I was struck by the fact that Ex 3:17 happened at the burning bush moment between God and Moses, and during that time Moses was told everything that would happen.  Each step was laid out for him, and today I wondered if Moses ever wondered WHY he had to go through each of those steps even when God knew what would happen at the end... and even TOLD Moses what the end would be.  "I will bring you out of Egypt... to a land of milk and honey".... Stay tuned for more about this verse and my project 3:17.

Wednesday:  Updated the kids' school for the next couple of weeks.  I'm excited about some of the things they'll be working on.  The boys are focusing on geography this year, and the end of this week they will be making an edible map.  I can't wait to see what they do! :)

Thursday:  I used my subscription to to make our menu for January's meals.  I can't wait to try some of these.  I also looked at the tourist website for the city of Merida, Spain.  We are taking a day trip there on Saturday.  Next summer, our Goodwin Girls' trip will be driving along Route 66, so I ordered a couple of tourist guides for that to get ready for that trip.  I can't wait for all of our upcoming trips!!!

Friday:  The boys made the edible maps today.  Wesley picked Maryland and Price picked Europe during WWII.  It was harder than they thought, but for the first time, I think they did a great job... I'll add a link to their video about the maps later.  We also had our Christmas Party for the base today too!

Saturday:  We took a trip with some other people from the base to Merida, Spain.  It is really a fascinating place, but we didn't have enough time to even hit the surface this time.  We would really need a very long day or two short days to see everything.  It was an important capital during the Roman Empire period from about 16 BC to about the 3rd century AD.  It has some beautifully preserved ruins and a wonderful museum of the stuff that has been excavated from around the city.  I was just amazed by the detail in the tile work and by how much had been found in their searches.  I'll make a separate video to add to our Spain videos, but here are some pictures below.

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